Thursday, October 22, 2009


As you know my weigh-in which was scheduled for yesterday was postponed to today. I know it was irrational of me but I literally drank gallons of water for no reason other then the fact that I was thirsty. I know water weight doesn't account for much but it does add up, and usually when i see a number I don't like i feel immediately discouraged and dive for the nearest saturated fat trap I can get my dissapointed hands on. So without any further ado, here are the results....

Starting weight
150 lbs

Weight at last weigh in
134 lbs

Current weight
124 lb-fuckin-s!

Words cannot comprehend how happy I am. I haven't been in the 120's since...god i can't even remember. Every time I weight myself, my scale does this thing where it hovers over a particular digit but it's not quite there. Right now it's hovering over 120. My goal weight, the light at the end of the tunnel. When I first started this journey, I wasn't doing a lot of things efficiently. Because of this, I lost only 5 pounds in a month, and plateaued there for a long period of time. I don't really know what i'm doing differently now that the weight is flying off, maybe it is that i'm more educated, maybe it is because my willpower is strengthened, maybe it's because I incorporated exercise into my everyday routine, I don't know. What i do know is i am beyond happy for myself, and I am going to gloat and brag all I want because for the first time in my life I achieved something, all by myself. I never threw up my hands and gave up because the scale wouldn't budge, or because my mouth was salivating everytime I walk past the chocolate stuffed vending machines at school. I I better take advantadge of this confidence high and do some jumping jacks because this is the biggest energy rush i have felt in a long time, so you can blame that for my attrotious spelling and unorganized paragraph structure!!! WOO FUCKIN HOOO!!

anyways, as happy as i am, it's not even close to being over. I need to find a new form of exercise that I can attend consistantly, and something that cranks up the intensity factor. it's time to kick it into high gear boys. Unfortunatley im still too insecure about my appearence and age to a join a gym, so i'm scouting some classes. this will be hard for me because i'll probably be the odd one out, a 16 year old in a class full of 40 year old kickboxing fiends, or whatever, but it is essential. any ideas? i would really appreciate it.

tomorrow i'm trying not to think about because I don't need the stress. I know I am going to cheat tomorrow. i am going to this presentation about saing the enviroment, where they will be serving high calorie curry and organic icecream. It would be rude to say no and I just don't know what to do i decided im going to wing it and use the data from my weighin to motivate me enough to keep portions, calories and etc in mind. anyways im going to do some back flips or something, i'll likely be back later to edit this pot because it is a mess of misspelled words and grammar errors, and i'm not usually too anal about it but it would be a headache for anyone who actually reads this. :) ya i'm talking to you bluenotess, P.S. keep pushing girl! you're doing great!

food loggskiess...

1 banana
1 tbsp peanut butter

2 slices whole wheat bread
Dijon mustard
chunks of longhorn beef
iceberg lettuce


fruit salad:
1 apple
8 grapes, halved
2 tsp cinnamon

1 comment:

  1. omg that's AWESOME! 10 pounds in a week?! congratulations! i know it must feel so good for all of your hard work to be paying off. keep up the good work! you only have 4 pounds to go, right?
