Wednesday, October 14, 2009

No pain, no gain

So much for writing everyday. Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew I would suffer at being consistent. Anyways, it was for a legit excuse that I slacked on my second day of this newly born blog.

Yesterday was badminton practice. It's a tradition that my buddy and I stay after school, finish up on any homework, then hightail it down to this adorable, erotically delicious smelling coffee house and just veg.

I was hoping to be vigorously active yesterday, to make up for how much I ate on Thanksgiving. I did adequately. In gym class, which I'm SO happy I took, because I am positive half of the weight I lost up to this point would have never come off in the first place without it, we were supposed to do a 1 km run to the tennis courts and just, duh, play tennis. For once I was actually pumped for it, but Mother Nature was being a sadistic bitch and decided not to cooperate. We ended up going to the weight room and doing a quick circuit of pint-sized, inexpensive equipment on the lowest possible setting. It's safe to say that my heart was going about the same pace as it does when I am sprawled on the couch watching America's Next Top Model (WHICH is on tonight, by the way!).

I sprinkled a little more exercise into my day by the walk to and back from the cafe. Although the pace was about as fast as the guy-who-has-been-in-crutches-since-september-because-of-a-broken-toe-who-i-mysteriously-get-stuck-behind-everytime-i'm-late-for-class, it was a pretty damn far walk, not to mention I was in heels. I have no idea if that ups the cardiovascular anty but whatever.

My final exercise for the day was badminton, obviously. I like badminton because no matter what body type or fitness level, you can play not necessarily well, but with confidence. Before badminton my buddy and I do laps of the school. I will point out right now, there is no exercise I despise more then RUNNING. NONE. When I'm running I feel like my lungs are exploding and I want to end myself. The only thoughts that are running through my head are "Why am I doing this to myself?", and "Can I stop, now, please?", and "Fuck this losing weight business, get me a slimy slice of Canadian pizza." Despite these satanic desires it always is worth it, and afterwards I feel like a trillion bucks.

I wasn't overly enthusiastic this time at badminton. I was tired, I was grumpy, I hadn't had a solid food for supper and I just wanted to go home, curl up in a little ball and sleep. However, I went a majority of the two hours playing non-stop which I'm proud of.

People don't give badminton enough credit. Although it seems like a 1 on the good cardiovascular workout scale, I beg to differ. I am always huffing and puffing at some point, but the beauty of it is I don't even notice. Only the next day, when my limbs are so sore I could swear I have juvenile arthiritis.

I did okay food-wise yesterday. Here is a list of what I ate, if I can rememebr correctly.

1 banana
1 tbsp peanutbutter

Salad with:
-Leafy greens
-Baby Carrots

Topped with:
-Balsamic Vinegar


Chai Latte

I'm not too proud about my supper. I was not really feeling all to hungry so I just grabbed a hot drink since it was about -91829829821989218 degrees outside. I thought since it was tea, it was good for you. I just researched it and I'm getting mixed answers, but overall I would have been better off getting a nutritious food that would have kept me lively during badminton.

ANYWAYS, that was yesterday. But we live in the present, so let's talk about today.

I always have an excrutiatingly hard time waking up the morning after badminton. Somehow I managed to roll out of bed, thank God that I was smart enough to pre-pick my outfit and pre-pack my lunch, have my green tea and boot it to the bus stop. My day unravelled relatively boringly (is that a word?).

However, for the first time ever I was bombarded with compliments. I don't want to sound like I'm gloating.. but this is my happy place so what the hell. If it wasn't about my hair, my sweater, my pants, my BLUSH (yeah, i know), people made comments about my weight. I never expected people to notice, I was doing this for me more then anyone else. I was rather shocked when more then three people made a mention today. I took the comments humbly, but they went straight to my ego. They are just the kind of motivation I need to keep pressing forward. Like how my size 7 pants that I bought a month ago literally look like I jumped into a pair of my father's pants and peaced it out the door. This is incredible.

I want anyone who is going through a weight-loss journey as well to know this; I know how much fight it takes. I know how much you want to fall over and give up. I know how much you want to reach for that cupcake that is creully staring at you on the counter, and I know how you have to excrete mixtures of tears and sweat just to do that last pushup. I know. What I also know is all that pain is truly rewarding. It is the most cliche, overused and overrated fact in man kind, but honest to god, clean eating and exercise is essential.

Take me, I'm just your average, nonathletic, insecure teenager. I am in no way shape or form better then you, or less then you. We all have the potential, so keep fighting because I'm fighting right along side you.

Sorry for that random monologue, but back on track here. TODAY we went to the tennis courts. I realized no matter how much weight I lose, I am still going to be that uncoordinated, awkward, clumsy, nonathletic girl who can't hit a tennis ball if her life depended on it. I'm fine with that, it's just who I am, but I'd rather be a skinny klutz then a fat one. So the short run drained me of nearly all my energy as sad as it is, having gym last period leaves me completely lifeless. I'm going to go for a bike ride tonight, and do simple equipment free exercises infront of the TV until Top model comes on. Here is my food log for the day:

Green apple slices
1 tbsp peanutbutter

Wrap with:
-Leafy Greens

Peach slices

4 pieces of sushi

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